
--- This is prolog1.doc ---
<< start of prolog guidance >>
   Keyin "cmis"    <-MODEL INFERENCE SYSTEM

   1) kinds
    a) command
    b) Horn clause
    c) Goal clause
   2) command
      pre symbolized with : and left 4 char
      :sys  terminate prolog
      :dvc  at kick --> set input method 0:getch(),1:getc(stdin)
         at command input --> set list level 0:out,1:nop,2:dsnap
      :step execution step by step by getch
      :nost execution non stop
      :mode s,v smode(cpro/cmis)=0/1,vmode(VM=R/V)=0/1
         or no operand display mode and otherinfo
      :stat prolog/MIS execution status
      :help command list display
    a) i/o
      :cls  clear screen
      :list display list of input clause from line# (if input)
         if next exist then can reply y/n at next? prompt
      :file display directory able to select pfx
      :new  Horn clause (memory) clear
      :load prolog program (Horn clause) disk to memory
      :save prolog program (Horn clause) memory to disk
    b) Horn clause edit
         a/b=after/before dest line#
      :move from-to -> dest after/before
      :copy from-to -> dest after/before
      :del  from-to
    c) set mode or specification
      :pure out yes/no
      :ans  out is one answer
      :quer out is all answers
      :trac trace out Goal clause & unify Horn clause at each
      :notr no trace but display unify Horn clause # tree
      :dupl out permit duplicate ans
      :nodu no duplicate
      :orde matching seq of Horn clause is left to right
    d) MIS operation
      :cond 0,1,2 lrmcond 0:nocond,1:ρ(p) at cond,2:ρ(p)(n) at refine
      :nocond lrmcond 0:no
      :log  MIS Lrm(k),CPtoHorn log
      :nolog no log
      :mult atom/func count control in refine
      :subfy h:subfy head(default),c:subfy clause
      :bind n:addbody(default) only,y:addbody+bindbody
      :samep same predicates atom add control in refine
      :gen  clause generate(ll fid can specify)
      :nogen no gen
      :god  t:godans true,f:godans false,n:asktogod
      :szcomp r:refine,c:cond
      :tatm two clauses atomsck y/n
      :hexu <Horn,example> unifyck y/n at CPtoHorn
      :lang Lang-L input Horn(pp(X):- style) save
      :ex  example <a,V> input orn(pp(X):-true/false style) save
      :rmis RMEM MIS execution(ll,ex fid can specify)
      :vmis VMEM MIS execution(ll,ex fid can specify)
      :hexck <Horn,example> unifyck(hn# can specify)
      :texu true example resolve used Lローm(k)
      :back backtrace execution
      :fine refinement execution
      :szck sizecomp & usageck 1 Horn clause statement
      :tack Horn clause hn#1 & hn#2 atom dup check
      :bltp builtin predicate sleep/wakeup
    e) etc
      :dcg  Horn clause DCG form convert to prolog form
   3) Horn clause
      head:-body.  ----- head is predicate and body are some predicates
                with ","
      head:-.    ----- no body
      head.     ----- same to head:-.
    a) 1 line edit
      new   input ----- line# no need input(add aftr last line)
      replace input ----- line # need input
      delete input ----- only 1 line# need
      n,u      ----- n:line#,u:a/b = (after/before)
                1 line new input(line# no need)
    b) flexible input or insert input (offline)
      input by 2 tools
         by MS-DOS edlin (line editor)
         by editor(ex. MIFES,etc)
      by any method
         with/without digit line# and 1 space before Horn clause
         with/without last period
      ex -> 0001 append([],X,X):-.
      if no need spaces exist then delete at :load exec
      4-digit line# and period may add at :save exec
    c) physical format in disk
      filename is with suffix ".PRO" or any
   4) Goal clause
     ?-body ----- body is only one predicate or are some predicates
            with ","

3.prolog syntax
   enclosed <> comments word of prolog style
   1) predicate or data
     predicates are predicates separated by comma
     < assertion > : definition of predicates -> Horn clause
     < execution > : conclusion        -> Goal clause
     predicate exp --- father(child,parent) = child's father is
     data   exp --- birthday(1986,11,10)
   2) name
     1 or some chars a-z,0-9,ア-ン
   3) term
     constant,variable,function,list(comma list,period list,split list)
     or compound
     < pattern > : term
     < atom > : predicate with or without arguments
   4) constant
     int = signed or unsigned integer
     char = any chars enclosed with ' ' (don't forget ' mark!)
     /* function with or without arguments */
     /*  = s(N):successor equal to N+1 */
   5) variable
     pre symbolized _ or 1 char A-Z followed by any A-Z,a-z,0-9,ア-ン
     internal variable
   6) function
     name(term list)
     ex: f(X) return true or false
   7) list
     [term1,term2,---,termN] <-- [term1|[term2|[---|[termN]]]]-]
     [term1|termL]      <-- termL=[term2,---,termN]
   8) infix notation
     operator="+ - * / <= >= ^= < > == = is || & ** ( )"
     sign mark permitt as A>+1, A=-1, A is -1
     nested parenhesis permitt as X=((2+3)*6+4)/2

4. builtin predicate
   1) inquiry
      argument include all variable in Goal clause predicates
      display one answer and terminate
      argument include all variable in Goal clause predicates
      display all answers and terminate
   2) cut operator
      make backtrack fail at "!"
   3) relational operator
     (true=-1,false=0) character string or numeric compare
     lt(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1< term2 else false
     le(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1<=term2 else false
     eq(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1==term2 else false
     ne(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1<>term2 else false
     gt(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1> term2 else false
     ge(term1,term2)    ---- true at term1>=term2 else false
   4) arithmetic operator term3=variable
     add(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1+term2
     sub(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1-term2
     mul(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1*term2
     div(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1/term2
     mod(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1 mod term2
     exp(term1,term2,term3) ---- term3=term1**term2
   5) input/output operator
     read(term)       ---- term=input variable
     write(term)      ---- term=output char enclosed with ' '
     put(term)       ---- term=output ascii int
     nl           ---- new line
   6) substitution term2=variable
     eqv(term1,term2)    ---- term2=term1
   7) others
     true          ---- success
     false or fail     ---- failure (backtrack may happen)
     var(term)       ---- if term=variable then return true

5. prolog processing
   backward inference
    --> Goal's negative results inconsistency
   reply as yes/no/one-ans/all-ans by mode
   1) pattern matching
     a) Goal clause & Horn clause's Head
     b) Horn clause's Body & other Horn clause's Head
   2) matching rule
      from   to
     a) symbol  : symbol  = must equal symbol
     b) variable : symbol  = able to substitute to symbol
     c) symbol  : variable = able to substitute to variable
     d) variable : variable = 1st is substitute, else must equal
   3) unification if matched
     unificate = substitute matched pattern
   4) back-track if matching fail or strong cut

6. sample program in disk
  (:load and keyin command,Goal clause as under)
    <filename>    <contents>
   1) poisonus     simple sample (mushroom or nonmushroom)
              answer = yes
   2) append   ---- list append definition sample
              answer = [3,4,5]
   3) fact    ---- list sample (calculate n!)
              answer = 5040
   4) qsort    ---- cut operater sample (quick sort)
              answer = [1,2,3]
   5) joinsel   ---- relational database search sample
             (join and sel)
             ?-sel(X) ------ 選択演算
              answer = ('tanaka','ono')
             ?-join(X,Y) --- 不等号結合演算
              answer = ('tanaka','matsuda')
   6) division  ---- arithmetic operation sample (relatinal database)
             ?-division(X) - 割り算
                       <------ diff ------->
              answer = ('x') ('y')

7.system max
  HMAX 800  Horn(VM=32767) clause(lines)
  UHMAX 300  Sfalseck=FALSE USED HN history count
  DMAX 30  resolution depth
  GMAX 150  Goal length(bytes)
  AMAX 8   argcnt/atom
  MMAX 7   atom count/clause
  OMAX 40  INFIX OPR type
  TVMAX 40  sizecomp tvarc
  MAXWD 80  word length(bytes)
  LMAX 50  Lang-L(lines)
  EMAX 100  example(lines)
  SMAX 15  max size of clause
  HL  120  Horn length(bytes) INFIX/DCG:REAL HL=80+INFIX,DCG
  GL  200  Goal length(bytes)
  ML  80   Lローm(k) length(bytes)
  TL  80   term length(bytes)
  WL  16   word length(bytes)

end of prolog guidance