<Relationship Chart,Degree of Kinship>

This Family Relationship Chart depends on a rule of the Japanese civil law
            Collateral relatives             Lineal descendant   Collateral relatives 
┌                                                       ┐
│ Relative :Blood relationship of 6 degree relatives in, 4th Great-┏━┓   Grand/Great?         │
│       Spouse,                  Grandparents┃6┃     Grand-Uncle/Aunt     │
│       Relative by marriage of 3 degree relatives in.     ┗┯┛     Great-Uncle/Aunt     │
│           ┏━┓┌─┐                  │      Grand-Nephew/Niece    │
│ Blood relationship:┃ ┃│ │:Relatives by marriage,      │      Great-Nephew/Niece    │
│           ┗━┛└─┘ in-laws(affinity)   3rd Great-┏┷┓     Grand:genealogical terms │
│   Number in the square:the Degree of Kinship    Grandparents┃5┃        the same as great  │
│          ①~③:Spouse(relatives-in-law)        ┗┯┛                  │
│                                   │                   │
│                                   │                   │
│               2nd Great-Grand-┏━┓   2nd Great-┏┷┓                  │
│                  Uncle/Aunt┃6┃  Grandparents┃4┃                  │
                        ┗━┛        ┗┯┛                  │
Ancestor                                │                   │
                                    │                   │
│                 Great-Grand-┏━┓     Great-┏┷┓   ┌─┐Great-         │
│                  Uncle/Aunt┃5┃  Grandparents┃3┃   │3│Grandparents      │
│                       ┗━┛        ┗┯┛   └┬┘-in-law         │
│                                   │     │             │
│ (1st Cousin of Grandparents)                    │     │             │
│       1st Cousin┏━┓     Grand-┏━┓        ┏┷┓   ┌┴┐Grandparents      │
│      twice removed┃6┃   Uncle/Aunt┃4┃  Grandparents┃2┃   │2│-in-law         │
│            ┗━┛        ┗━┛        ┗┯┛   └┬┘            │
│                                   │     │       Uncle/Aunt │
│    (1st Cousin of Parents)                    │     │        -in-law  │
│       1st Cousin┏━┓        ┏━┓ ┌─┐    ┏┷┓   ┌┴┐Parents     ┌─┐ │
│      once removed┃5┃   Uncle/Aunt┃3┠─┤③│ Parents┃1┃   │1│-in-law     │3│ │
└            ┗━┛        ┗━┛ └─┘    ┗┯┛   └┬┘        └─┘ │
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------│----------│------  ----------------│
                                  ┏━┷━┓ ┌─┴─┐           │
  ┏━┓        ┏━┓     Sibling┏━┓ ┌─┐   ┃   ┃ │   │       ┌─┐ │
  ┃6┃   1st Cousin┃4┃ Brother/Sister┃2┠─┤②│   ┃ Self ┠┬┤Spouse│Brother/Sister│2│ │
  ┗━┛        ┗┯┛        ┗┯┛ └─┘   ┃   ┃││   │   -in-law └┬┘ │
 2nd Cousin        │          │        ┗━━━┛│└─┬─┘        │  │
┌            ┏┷┓        ┏┷┓ ┌─┐       ┏┷┓ ┌─┐       ┌┴┐ │
│       1st Cousin┃5┃  Nephew/Niece┃3┠─┤③│     Child┃1┠─┤①│ Nephew/Niece│3│ │
│      once removed┗┯┛        ┗┯┛ └─┘ Son/Daughter┗┯┛ └─┘   -in-law └─┘ │
│             │          │             │                │
│             │          │             │                │
│            ┏┷┓     Grand-┏┷┓           ┏┷┓ ┌─┐           │
│       1st Cousin┃6┃  Nephew/Niece┃4┃      Grandchild┃2┠─┤②│           │
│      twice removed┗━┛        ┗┯┛           ┗┯┛ └─┘           │
│                        │             │                │
│                        │             │                │
│                 Great-Grand-┏┷┓        Great-┏┷┓ ┌─┐           │
│                 Nephew/Niece┃5┃      Grandchild┃3┠─┤③│           │
│                       ┗┯┛           ┗┯┛ └─┘           │
                         │             │                │
Descendant                    │             │                │
                2nd Great-Grand-┏┷┓      2nd Great-┏┷┓               │
│                 Nephew/Niece┃6┃      Grandchild┃4┃               │
│                       ┗━┛           ┗┯┛               │
│ Relationship Terms in English Language                  │   (*1)            │
│ cousin relationship(the generations trace back to siblings)        │  ┌┴┐           │
│   Nth Cousin R times removed                3rd Great-┏┷┓ │1│Stepchild       │
│   ordinal number = degrees of collaterality        Grandchild┃5┃ └┬┘           │
│   R times removed = generation difference               ┗┯┛ ┌┴┐           │
│ in-law relationship(relative-in-law)                   │  │2│StepGrandchild    │
│   relative by marriage and blood relatives of the spouse        │  └┬┘           │
│ half/step relationship(apply when parent remarry)       4th Great-┏┷┓ ┌┴┐           │
│   half siblings have one parent in common but not both   Grandchild┃6┃ │3│StepGreatGrandchild  │
│   stepsiblings have no parents in common               ┗━┛ └─┘           │
└                                                       ┘
            Collateral relatives             Lineal descendant   Collateral relatives 
There are both relations of the father's side and the mother's side to all the ancestors.
10 languages -> Name of Relatives